High Road Training Partnerships
The High Road Training Partnerships (HRTP) initiative started as a $10M demonstration project designed to model partnership strategies for the state. Ranging from transportation to health care to hospitality, the HRTP model embodies the sector approach championed by the Board — industry partnerships that deliver equity, sustainability, and job quality. Along with these program investments, the Board is producing a body of policy and principle to guide related undertakings across the workforce system. Indeed, the initiative was designed as a campaign — to advance a field of practice that simultaneously addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional skills strategies designed to support economically and environmentally resilient communities across the state. The industry-based, worker-focused training partnerships build skills for California’s High Road employers — firms that compete based on quality of product and service achieved through innovation and investment in human capital, and can thus generate family-supporting jobs where workers have agency and voice.
Open Accordion
Foundation Documents
Essential Elements
HRTP Evaluation
HRTP Projects
- Advancing Entry-Level Healthcare Student Graduation and Job Placement Rates
- Agricultural Worker Training and Advancement with High Road Employers (Ag Hire)
- Arts, Media, and Entertainment High Road Training Partnership (AME-HRTP)
- Building a Behavioral Health Employment Pathways Industry Partnership
- Building Capacity to Scale Early Care & Education Apprenticeships Statewide
- California Healthy School Food Pathways Scratch Cooking for our Future
- California Transit Works! Expansion
- California Water, Wastewater, and Energy Workforce Development Program
- Career Pathways in Agriculture
- CNA and CNA to LVN Apprenticeship Program
- Community Health Worker Career Accelerator and Advancement Pathways Initiative
- Community Health Worker Project The Empowerment Center (TEC)
- Comprehensive Approach to Meet Healthcare Critical Shortages
- Connecting Under-Represented Workers to High Road Jobs
- Contra Costa Harnessing Change: Refinery Transition Partnership (CCRTP)
- CWA District 9 Broadband Technician Training Program
- Dental Assistant Training Program
- East Bay Health Equity Initiative
- Employment Social Enterprise to High Road Career Pathways
- EMT / Paramedic Apprenticeship Program
- Equity and Job Quality in Building Decarbonization
- Expanded Partnerships to Promote Healthcare Career Pathways
- Expanding HRTPs for the Nail Salon Industry in California
- Family Child Care Apprenticeship Training Program
- Futuro Health HRTP RWP
- Golden State Pathway to Teaching and Leading
- Greater Sierra Forestry Corps
- Growing the Economy – Medical Assistant and Sterile Technician Training
- Growth and Expansion of ECEPTS Registered Apprenticeship Programs
- Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County
- Healthcare Opportunity Youth
- High Road Healthcare Pathway to Careers: Closing the Skills Gap
- High Road to Correctional Health Professions
- High Road to Microelectronics
- High Road to Prosperity Inland Empire Regional Collaborative
- High Road to Tech Jobs
- High Road to Tribal Forest Restoration and Stewardship
- Hollywood CPR High Road Training Partnership
- Hospitality Initiative Moonshots (EIHI)
- HRTP RWF – California Legacy High Road to Oil Well Capping
- HRTP-BHE Behavioral Health Expansion
- Humboldt High Road Wind (HRW)
- Industry-led Career Upskilling in Property Services
- Inland Empire Gateways to Opportunity Collaborative
- Inland Empire High Road to Health Care
- Line Clearance Tree Trimmer Education and Long-Term Success
- Lithium Valley High Road Partnership
- Local Gov’t Apprenticeships: A High Road Strategy for Equity & Resilience
- Marine Trades and Water Transportation Careers
- NonProfit Sector High Road Training Program
- Pathway to High Road Jobs for Native Americans
- Pathways to Public Service Through Tech Apprenticeship
- Planning: Regenerative Diverse Workforce Development Program
- Public Pathways
- Ready, Set, Cook Launch Your Culinary Career Program
- Sacramento County School Nurse Residency & Pathway Program
- San Diego Hospitality Alternative Staffing Agency
- Scaling Proven Allied Healthcare Adult Training Pathways
- School Based Mental Health and Wellness Career Pipeline
- SCV HRTP Advanced Technologies/Manufacturing
- SEIU-Community Clinics Partnership
- TEAM GILLIG: A High Road Partnership Between Teamsters Local 853 and GILLIG
- UFCW WorkForward Cannabis Apprenticeship and Equity
- UFCW WorkForward Healthcare Expansion
- UFCW WorkForward SoCal
- Union Organizer Apprenticeship Pilot
- Upskilling In-Home Support Service Workers in San Bernardino County and Generating New Knowledge
- Vocational English as a Second Language Home Care Immersion Training Program
- West Oakland Job Resource Center (WOJRC) Regional Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (TDL) Workforce Institute and Expansion
California Climate Investments (CCI)
In Fiscal Year 19-20 the CWDB received it’s first Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) investment of $35 million to invest in High Road projects that prioritize building climate and economic resilience through training partnerships to facilitate immediate or eventual GHG emission reductions in the state. This includes addressing critical skill issues emerging as industry faces challenges of climate change and environmental sustainability, increasing capacity of firms and workers to adapt and compete in a carbon-constrained economy, and helping California communities prosper by creating accessible local pathways into safer, healthier, and more highly skilled jobs.
Projects funded by GGRF under the CWDB are referred to as the High Road Training Partnership: California Climate Investments (HRTP: CCI) grant program.
See to-date HRTP: CCI projects and GGRF investment.
Current projects:
23/24 Projects (July 1, 2024 – March 31, 2026)
- Equitable Food Initiative – High Road to Better Agricultural Jobs
- Jewish Vocational and Career Counseling Service – Delivering Automotive Pre-Apprenticeship Training Programs in the Bay Area
- United Auto Workers – Center for Manufacturing a Green Economy
- Western States Council of Sheet Metal Workers – High Road to Sheet Metal: WSC-SMART
View a complete list of HRTP projects on the Previously Funded Projects page.
Award Announcements
Healthcare 2024-25 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is pleased to announce the following projects have been awarded for the High Road Training Partnerships 2024-25 Healthcare Grant Program (HRTP HC). The HRTP HC grant program will build on the state’s previous investments in the healthcare sector by funding training partnerships that increase the number of workers in quality jobs in high-demand healthcare occupations.
See the full HRTP HC Announcement here
Summer 2023 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce the following projects have been awarded for the Resilient Workforce Program. The High Road Training Partnership (HRTP): Resilient Workforce Program advances a field of practice that addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional workforce strategies.
See the full RWP Summer 2023 Announcement here
Spring 2023 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce the following projects have been awarded for the Resilient Workforce Program. The High Road Training Partnership (HRTP): Resilient Workforce Program advances a field of practice that addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional workforce strategies.
See the full RWP Spring 2023 Announcement here
Winter 2023 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce the following projects have been awarded for the Resilient Workforce Program. The High Road Training Partnership (HRTP): Resilient Workforce Program advances a field of practice that addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional workforce strategies.
See the full RWP Winter 2023 Announcement here
Fall 2022 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce the awards for the Fall 2022 application cycle for the Resilient Workforce Fund (RWF). The HRTP: Resilient Workforce Fund advances a field of practice that addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional workforce strategies.
See the full RWF Announcement here
Spring/Summer 2022 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) and the Labor and Workforce Development Agency (LWDA) are pleased to announce awards for the Resilient Workforce Fund (RWF). The HRTP: Resilient Workforce Fund advances a field of practice that addresses urgent questions of income inequality, economic competitiveness, and climate change through regional workforce strategies.
See the full RWF Announcement here
3/7/2022 Award Announcement:
The California Workforce Development Board is pleased to announce awards for the High Road Training Partnership (HRTP) WIOA 3.0 grant program, funded by WIOA 15% Discretionary funds. The HRTP WIOA 3.0 grant program will supplement current HRTPs to build on strategies through industry-specific innovation leading to improvements in equity, job quality, and environmental sustainability.
See the full announcement here.
Featured Links
- CA Community Colleges Econ & Workforce Development
- California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Employment Development Department
- California Department of Industrial Relations
- California Department of Education
- State Personnel Board
- EDD/Labor Market Information Division
- EDD Policy & Guidance
- California Employment Training Panel
- Workforce Investment Works
- California Department of Rehabilitation