State Board Membership

The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is responsible for assisting the Governor in performing the duties and responsibilities required by the federal Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act.

Members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the Governor, the Senate President Pro Tem, and the Speaker of the Assembly. The Board represents the many facets of workforce development – business, labor, public education, higher education, economic development, youth activities, employment and training, as well as the Legislature.

The Board meets on a regular basis and the public is encouraged to attend the meetings. Decisions are reached through a collaborative process.

The State Plan serves as the framework for the development of public policy, fiscal investment, and operation of the state workforce and education system.

State Board Members

Dr. Angelo Farooq, Chair *
Owner – AVM Innovation Consulting, LLC

Kamyar Amiri-Davani
Managing Director, Investor Relations – Golden Gate Global

Hon. Anna Caballero
California State Senator, District 12

Hon. Damon Connolly
Representative – California State Assembly

Sonya Christian, PhD
Chancellor – California Community Colleges

Jamil Dada *
Senior Financial Manager – Provident Bank-Riverside County Branches

Lee Ann Eager
President/CEO – Fresno County Economic Development Corporation

Diane Factor *
Worker Education and Resource Center

Nancy Farias *
Director –  Employment Development Department

Dean Fealk
Managing Partner, Northern California –  DLA Piper

Larry Frank
Capital Campaign Director, UCLA Labor Center

Mark Ghaly, M.D., M.P.H.
Secretary – California Health and Human Services Agency

Leonard Gonzalez
Executive Director, Laborers’ Training and Retraining Trust Fund

Jason Haider
Founder – Xenco Medical

Stewart Knox *
Secretary – Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Hilary D. Lentini
President and Chief Executive Officer – Lentini Design and Marketing, Inc.

Stephen Levy *
Director and Senior Economist – Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy

James Mangia
President and Chief Executive Officer – St. John’s Community Health

Rebecca Miller
Workforce Director – SEIU United Healthcare Workers-West (UHW)

Stephen Monteros
Vice President of Operations and Strategic Initiatives – SIGMAnet

Robert Redlo *
President and Chief Consultant – Redlo Health Solutions, Inc.

Nicole Rice
President, California Natural Gas Vehicle Coalition

Charles Riojas
Secretary-Treasurer — Fresno, Madera, Tulare, Kings Building Trades Council

Fabrizio Sasso
Executive Director – Sacramento Labor Council

Hon. Pilar Schiavo
Representative – California State Assembly

Avin Sharma
Senior Director for Workforce & Government Affairs, Port of Los Angeles

Hon. Lola Smallwood-Cuevas
California State Senate, District 28

Jeremy Smith *
Deputy Legislative Director – State Building and Construction Trades Council of California

Anette Smith
Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion – Roth Staffing Companies

Bruce Stenslie *
President and Chief Executive Officer – Economic Development Collaborative, Ventura County

Hon. Tony Thurmond
State Superintendent of Public Instruction – California Department of Education

Floyd Trammell
Executive Director – West Bay Local Development Corporation

Joe Xavier
Director – Department of Rehabilitation

Gloria Young
President & Chief Executive Officer – Young and Lamay Associates

* denotes Executive Committee Member