2020-2023 State Plan
California’s 2020-2023 Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan
California’s Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan (State Plan) 2020-2023 represents agreement among partners identified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and serves as the framework for the development of public policy, fiscal investment, and operation of the state workforce and education system.
State Plan Components
- Economic and Workforce Analysis
- Strategic Planning Elements
- Operational Planning Elements
- Title I Requirements
- Title II Requirements
- Title III Requirements
- Title IV Requirements
- Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program Requirements
- Appendix 1: Performance Goals for the Core Programs
For questions or to request additional information, please email: WIOAStatePlan@cwdb.ca.gov
2020-2023 State Plan Modifications
California’s 2020-2023 Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan Modifications
California’s Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan (State Plan) 2020-2023 represents agreement among partners identified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and serves as the framework for the development of public policy, fiscal investment, and operation of the state workforce and education system.
State Plan Components
- Economic and Workforce Analysis (Modification)
- Strategic Planning Elements (Modification)
- Operational Planning Elements (Modification)
- Title I Requirements (Modification)
- Title II Requirements (Modification)
- Title III Requirements (Modification)
- Title IV Requirements (Modification)
- Jobs for Veterans State Grant Program Requirements (Modification)
- Appendix 1: Performance Goals for the Core Programs (Modification)
For questions or to request additional information, please email: WIOAStatePlan@cwdb.ca.gov