Workforce Partnerships
The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) strengthens its alignment in workforce development and training programs through the development of interagency partnerships and regionally organized Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) to support fundamental strategies in building career pathways and a resilient workforce. The goals for establishing collaborative workforce partnerships with agencies at the state, regional, and local levels include improving, aligning, and expanding the State’s public workforce development system in support of the CWDB strategic goals and priorities.
The CWDB Statewide Partnerships Team was established to develop and implement workforce policies and strategies which focus on equitable access to quality jobs for California’s underserved populations. As such, the CWDB Statewide Partnerships Team coordinates with state and local agencies to identify and reduce barriers to employment for California’s workforce. Interagency partnerships mobilize existing resources and expertise within respective agencies to advance collaboration efforts and service delivery efficiency and alignment. The interagency partnerships address multi-faceted challenges and streamline the workforce development system to increase coordination and collaboration of policy development and implementation between state agencies. The interagency partnerships bridge connections for respective regional and local agencies to initiate conversations, coordinate service provisions and delivery, and leverage available resources to its fullest potential.
State Partners
WIOA Core Program Partners
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law in 2014 to improve the public workforce system and help job seekers, including those with significant barriers to employment, access education, employment, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to complete in the global economy. The core programs authorized by WIOA include:
WIOA Required Partners
Additional partner programs under WIOA include:
- Senior Community Service Employment Program – California Department of Aging
- Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 – State Board of Education, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, and CDE
- Trade Adjustment Assistance activities – EDD
- Employment and training activities under the Community Services Block Grant –Department of Community Services and Development
- Employment and training activities carried out by the Department of Housing and Urban Development
- Jobs for Veterans State Grants programs – EDD
- Unemployment insurance – EDD
- California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) – California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
California State Plan Partners
Partner programs identified under California’s Unified Strategic Workforce Development Plan include:
- Corrections Workforce Partnership – California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, California Prison Industry Authority, and California Workforce Association
- Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE Blueprint) – California Department of Developmental Services, CDE, DOR
- CalFresh Employment & Training – CDSS
- Child Support Services – California Department of Child Support Services
- High Road Climate Agency Partnerships