Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
WIOA Resources
This resource page provides documents and links to workforce development stakeholder websites that provide helpful overviews and in-depth analysis of the new Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). Please continue to check this page as new materials are prepared and shared within the workforce development community.
California Department of Rehabilitation WIOA page
Employment Development Department WIOA Implementation Resource Page
National Skills Coalition Side-by-Side Comparison of WIA/WIOA
Realizing Innovation and Opportunity in WIOA: A Playbook For Creating Effective State Plans
Required Elements for Submission of the Unified or Combined State Plan and Plan Modifications under the WIOA
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration WIOA Page
WIOA Unified Strategic Workforce development Plan (Draft)
WIOA Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRMs):
Featured Links
- CA Community Colleges Econ & Workforce Development
- California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Employment Development Department
- California Department of Industrial Relations
- California Department of Education
- State Personnel Board
- EDD/Labor Market Information Division
- EDD Policy & Guidance
- California Employment Training Panel
- Workforce Investment Works
- California Department of Rehabilitation