Career Pathways and Education Committee
To align education with workforce development, the California Workforce Investment Board (State Board) established the California Career Pathways and Education Committee (CPEC) to identify and implement comprehensive strategies to align education with career preparation as a catalyst for economic prosperity and to successfully compete within the 21st Century workplace.
The CPEC identified the following three key objectives:
- Objective 1: Expand Career-Based Education Opportunities for All Learners
- Objective 2: Create Opportunities for All Students to Receive Nationally-Recognized, Industry-Valued Certifications/Credentials
- Objective 3: Build Regional Linkages Between Public Education and Growth/Demand Industry Sectors
The CPEC’s adopted its framework entailed a comprehensive list of strategies and approaches to achieve these objectives. Thereafter, the CPEC developed Actions Plans that were derived from these derived from these strategies along with existing opportunities in our state.
The following links serves as informational/marketing for policy makers and stakeholders and a vision piece for its work.
The Career Pathways Trust provides competitive grants to create innovative programs and partnerships linking rigorous academic standards to career pathways in high-need and high-growth sectors of the economy. Through curriculum that’s relevant to career interests, students will be more engaged and less likely to drop out of school while gaining better preparation for the highly complex and competitive working world of the 21st century. The grant levels can be as high as $15 million for larger regional programs. Local educational agencies interested in applying for the CCPT should submit a Letter of Intent to Apply by February 14, 2014. Applications should be submitted by March 28, 2014, on the California Department of Education’s Funding Web page. Please click here to view News Release
California Career Pathways Trust (comment period closed)
The California Department of Education (CDE) in partnership with CPEC and Chancellor’s Office of California Community Colleges is developing a Request for Application (RFA) for the $250 million California Career Pathways Trust (CCPT). The CCPT will fund grants for career technical education in K-12 districts, charter schools and community colleges that will seed and/or build upon regionally transformational career technical education (CTE) programs that supports regional economies while putting students on promising career pathways.
As the RFA is being developed the CPEC will provide an opportunity for input from its membership and that of the State Board; which is led by representation by the private sector. Career Pathways and Education Committee meetings will allow for public comment on CCPT; which will be considered by the CDE. Additionally, in support of CDE’s desire to solicit input broadly from all stakeholders the CPEC will be accepting additional input through the following e-mail address:; which will be shared with its membership and CDE for consideration.
The closing date for receipt of public comment is Friday, December 13, 2013.
Featured Links
- CA Community Colleges Econ & Workforce Development
- California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Employment Development Department
- California Department of Industrial Relations
- California Department of Education
- State Personnel Board
- EDD/Labor Market Information Division
- EDD Policy & Guidance
- California Employment Training Panel
- Workforce Investment Works
- California Department of Rehabilitation