RICO Grants
The State Board’s Regional Industry Cluster(s) of Opportunity III (RICO) initiative is a structured economic and workforce development planning process that supports Regional Economic and Workforce Development Networks (Regional Networks) consisting of economic and workforce development practitioners and industry to form Industry Sector Partnerships that develop regional strategies to support and advance targeted industry clusters.
The State Board and the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) made approximately $605,000 available to develop and implement alternative fuel and vehicle regional clusters of opportunity strategies and involve partners to advance the competitive position of targeted clusters. This collaborative is funded by the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, Assembly Bill 118 (Nuñez, Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007).
The RICO III grant opportunity will further develop and implement regional industry clusters of opportunity (RICO) career pathways and/or talent pipeline strategies for K-12 students; and to involve regional partners to advance the competitive position of targeted RICOs resulting in economic prosperity.
RICO III Award Letter
The State Board’s Regional Industry Cluster(s) of Opportunity III (RICO) initiative is a structured economic and workforce development Advanced-Transportation-Clustersplanning process that supports Regional Economic and Workforce Development Networks (Regional Networks) consisting of economic and workforce development practitioners and industry to form Industry Sector Partnerships that develop regional strategies to support and advance targeted industry clusters.
The State Board and the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) made approximately $1.5 million available to develop and implement alternative fuel and vehicle regional clusters of opportunity strategies and involve partners to advance the competitive position of targeted clusters. This collaborative is funded by the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program, Assembly Bill 118 (Nuñez, Chapter 750, Statutes of 2007).
Please see our September 2013 publication: California’s Advanced Transportation Industry Clusters of Opportunity, an AB 118 Status Report on the Alternative and Renewable Fuels and Vehicles Industry in California.