HRTP WIOA 3.0 Grant Program
The California Workforce Development Board is pleased to announce the availability of up to $8.9 million in Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act funding to expand, enhance, and/or build upon previous or current-funded High Road training partnerships that 1) prioritize job quality, 2) support economic and climate resilience, and 3) link regionally-driven sector work to a statewide skills agenda.
What Will High Road Training Partnerships Do With Continued Funding?
Supplemental funding for High Road Training Partnerships (HRTP) will build on HRTP strategies through industry-specific innovation leading to improvements in equity, job quality, and environmental sustainability. Projects should show how additional funding will improve, expand, and/or scale existing or previously funded HRTP projects. Examples of the type of long-term goals may include:
- Expand into one or more new regions to increase access to high-quality jobs or entry-level work with clearly defined routes to advancement.
- Increase opportunity for skills attainment for those at the lower end of the labor market
- Develop and expand career pathways within key industries for populations who have experienced barriers to employment.
- Support both labor and management in order to increase productivity by increasing the health, safety, and specialization of jobs in a particular
- Address skill needs in new and emerging industries, specifically those which center on environmental sustainability and equitable recovery.
Eligible Applicants
Past or existing HRTP Subrecipients/Fiscal Agents are eligible to apply. This includes organizations funded through the following grant programs:
- HRTP: WIOA 1.0
- HRTP: WIOA 2.0
- HRTP: Low Carbon Economy Workforce Program
- HRTP: Education Stabilization Fund-Reimagine Workforce Preparation Grant (ESF-RWP)
Funding Source Information
High Roads Training Partnerships are supported by the California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) in coordination with the California Employment Development Department (EDD) with Department of Labor funding totaling $10,530,000. All awards are subject to the availability of appropriated funds and to any modifications or additional requirements that may be imposed by law.
It is the responsibility of the CWDB to make sure interested applicants are aware of the funding source and its requirements to ensure project and program success.
It is the responsibility of the Subrecipient (the entity awarded) to become well-versed with WIOA Title 1 and the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 2 (Uniform Guidance), so that they are able to responsibly operate and manage the grant program in order to meet WIOA requirements. This will be the sole responsibility of the Subrecipient. It is highly recommended that organizational staff capacity exist prior to accepting funds in order to successfully support this work and have adequate administrative support.
To help prepare potential HRTP: WIOA 3.0 applicants on the expectations if awarded funds under this grant program, which are defined by WIOA Law, the CWDB has created the HRTP: WIOA 3.0 Applying for WIOA Funds document.
Letter of Intent
HRTP: WIOA 3.0 Letter of Intent Instructions and Guidelines
Interested applicants will submit a “Letter of Intent” to apply for continued HRTP funding.
Letters of Intent will be reviewed by the California Workforce Development Board and strong letters will be invited to apply. Applicants invited to apply will complete a formal application package (similar to what was completed in past rounds) to be considered for funding/award.
Important Dates
Applying for WIOA Funds Workshop & Live Q&A
October 12, 1:00PM – 2:30PM
This presentation will focus on what interested applicants should know and prepare for if wanting to apply for WIOA funds to expand their HRTP work and major differences between this funding source and current funding sources (GGRF CCI and ESF-RWPG). A Live Q&A will follow the workshop/presentation where interested applicants can ask CWDB staff questions on funding intent, LOI, and application process and receive real time answers.
Register for the Application Workshop by 5:00PM October 10th.
Letter of Intent Deadline
October 22, 2021 (must be submitted prior to 11:59 PST)
Send all questions to
Featured Links
- CA Community Colleges Econ & Workforce Development
- California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Employment Development Department
- California Department of Industrial Relations
- California Department of Education
- State Personnel Board
- EDD/Labor Market Information Division
- EDD Policy & Guidance
- California Employment Training Panel
- Workforce Investment Works
- California Department of Rehabilitation