Special Committees
The California Workforce Development Board, appointed by Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. and led by a majority of members from the state’s brightest business, education and labor community, performs the unique function of guiding workforce development strategy and policy in response to economic trends. This private-sector led body is tasked with advising the Governor on jobs and workforce development. The Board will work closely with Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) to identify the needs of industry and to create career pathways that provide businesses the skilled workforce they need and while putting unemployed and underemployed Californians back to work.
The State Workforce Development Board engages State and local workforce, education, and economic development partners in this critical work through its Special Committees, while addressing the four policy priorities outlined in the Board’s Strategic Plan. These Committees are:
- State Board Executive Committee
The State Board Executive Committee is a Standing Committee. It is chaired by the State Board Chair and its required membership includes the Vice-Chair, the chairs of the Special Committees, the Secretary of the Labor and Workforce Development Agency, and the Executive Director of the State Board. The State Board Chair also has the discretion to appoint additional members to the Executive Committee as deemed appropriate. - WIOA Implementation Work Group
The State Board approved the creation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Implementation Work Group in September 2014. Over the next 12 months, this work group will ensure that California’s implementation of the new law reflects state strategies and aligns resources accordingly. The group’s work includes developing WIOA performance measures and multi-agency metrics, developing policy, catalyzing systems alignment and regional collaboration, and determining any needed governance changes. - Increasing Skills and Credential Attainment Work Group
Increasing Skills and Credential Attainment Work Group. The State Board approved the creation of the Increasing Skills and Credential Attainment Work Group in September 2014. Over the next 12 months, this work group will focus on identifying skills credentials that are industry-valued, supporting regional calibration of labor market supply and demand, articulating diverse career pathways in key industries, and supporting regional Slingshot coalitions. The Increasing Skills and Credential Attainment Work Group will support and catalyze experimentation, statewide workforce goals and large scale change. - Green Collar Jobs Council
The Green Collar Jobs Council makes recommendations and creates strategies for comprehensive and effective workforce training opportunities to help prepare California’s current and future workforce to meet the skills demand from businesses supporting the energy efficiency and clean energy sectors. - Health Workforce Development Council
The Health Workforce Development Council is tasked with understanding the current and future workforce needs of the health industry and with developing a comprehensive strategy to prepare California’s workforce to meet those needs. - Issues and Policies Committee
The Issues and Policies Committee was established on September 22, 2009 through the direction of the Chair of the State Board and the consent of its membership. The Issues and Policies Committee will consider issues, deliberate on policy development and make recommendations to the State Board for its consideration and ratification. - Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Council
The Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Development Council was put together to be able help California develop better strategies to propel our economy forward into the year 2013 and beyond. - Career Pathways and Education Committee
The State Board established a special committee on education and career pathways to align education with workforce development. The main objectives are to expand career-based educational opportunities for all students, create opportunities for all students to receive nationally recognized, industry valued credentials, and to build linkages between public education and industry sectors. - State Youth Vision Team (No Longer Active)
The State Youth Vision Team supports its vision by coordinating resources with its member agencies/organizations, exchanging information, and developing shared goals in order to empower its members to better serve disconnected youth, to include: Foster Youth, Juvenile Justice Youth, Youth of Incarcerated Parents, Youth with Disabilities, Migrant Youth, Native American and American Indian Youth, Out of School Youth, high school dropouts, runaway and homeless youth. - Archived Meetings
Featured Links
- CA Community Colleges Econ & Workforce Development
- California Labor and Workforce Development Agency
- Employment Development Department
- California Department of Industrial Relations
- California Department of Education
- State Personnel Board
- EDD/Labor Market Information Division
- EDD Policy & Guidance
- California Employment Training Panel
- Workforce Investment Works
- California Department of Rehabilitation