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Prison to Employment 2.0 Regional Partnership and Technical Assistance Grants –Request for Applications

Prison to Employment (P2E) 2.0 Regional Partnership and Technical Assistance Grants – Funding Opportunity

The California Workforce Development Board (CWDB) is pleased to announce the availability of approximately $19,000,000 in state general funds for the implementation of regional plans to serve the formerly incarcerated and other justice-involved individuals in California (this funding is referred to as the P2E 2.0 Regional Partnership grant). These funds are available to Regional Planning Units (RPUs) and will be awarded based on the strength of the RPU’s application and regional factors including recidivism rate, size of the formerly-incarcerated and justice-involved populations, and the RPU’s performance under the first cycle of Prison to Employment Initiative grant funding.

Additionally, up to $500,000 is available to fund a Technical Assistance (TA) team that will support the P2E 2.0 Regional Partnership grantees in the continued development and implementation of their projects. Provide a forum for cross-project communication and peer-to-peer learning, supporting project-specific outcomes and broad P2E goals. TA applicants will complete a separate application, which is on an identical timeline to the Regional Partnership application and award process.

All applications for P2E funding must be submitted electronically through the Cal E-Grants website. The application can be accessed via the Funding Opportunities tab at the top of the Cal E-Grants page linked above, and selecting this grant’s link under CWDB Grant Opportunities.

View the P2E 2.0 RFA


Eligible Applicants

P2E 2.0 Regional Partnership funds are intended to support the implementation of regional plans to serve the formerly-incarcerated and other justice-involved individuals in California.

Each region must designate one entity as the applicant and fiscal agent for each grant.

Technical Assistance eligible applicants include Local Workforce Development Boards, labor organizations. Labor-management partnerships, public universities, K-12 education entities and adult schools, community colleges, county social services agencies, worker centers/worker’s rights organizations, community-based organizations, business related non-profit organizations, and workforce intermediaries.

Note: A for-profit private business or a for-profit consortium of businesses cannot be the lead TA applicant but can be a partner on the TA Team.


Eligible Participants

Funds awarded under this grant are designed to address the personal development, training, and employment needs of California’s justice-involved and formerly-incarcerated populations.

The term “justice-involved” is defined in Section 14040(b) of the Unemployment Insurance Code and refers to individuals (adults and juveniles) who are on parole, probation, mandatory supervision, post-release community supervision, or are otherwise part of the supervised population as defined in Penal Code §1234(d) and/or under the jurisdiction of a county or the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. This also includes individuals who are on county informal probation, county deferred entry of judgement, or any other county diversion program such as drug courts, veterans courts, community courts, or other specialty courts.

The term “formerly-incarcerated” is not defined in statute, and for the purposes of this program includes any individual who has at any time served a custody sentence in any adult or juvenile federal, state, or local detention facility; or in any alternative custody program such as home detention.


Weekly Q&A

Questions regarding the P2E 2.0 RFA and application can be sent via email to Please use “P2E Q&A” in subject line for all application/RFA related questions.

The Q&A will be available on this page every Friday. All questions must be submitted by 12:00 PM (Pacific Time) on Tuesday of each week for inclusion in the weekly Q&A. Cumulative questions and answers will be posted on a weekly basis until July 28th.

P2E 2.0 Q&A (7.1.22)

P2E 2.0 Q&A (7.8.22)

P2E 2.0 Q&A (7.15.22)

P2E 2.0 Q&A (7.22.22)

P2E 2.0 Q&A (7.29.22)


Application Presentation

A pre-recorded application presentation offering an overview of the P2E 2.0 RFA can be found on YouTube via the link below. This presentation is intended to serve as a supplement to the RFA.

View the P2E 2.0 Application Presentation


Submitting a P2E 2.0 Application

All applications for P2E funding must be submitted electronically through the Cal E-Grants website. Only applications submitted through the Cal E-Grants application portal will be considered. Paper applications will not be accepted and will be automatically disqualified.

The application can be accessed through the Cal E-Grants website under the Funding Opportunities tab at the top of the Cal E-Grants page linked above, then selecting this grant’s link under CWDB Grant Opportunities.

Applicants will complete a full application package which includes necessary documentation required to enter into a contract with CWDB. The complete application will include a detailed work plan, deliverables, partner commitments, participant plan, and comprehensive budget exhibits.

See Section Four. Application Submission Instructions of the P2E 2.0 RFA for detailed application instructions. Additional application resources are also available at the bottom of this page.


Application and Award Timeline

RFA Release DateJune 20, 2022
Application Presentation availableJune 28, 2022
Live Office Hours for assistance with the Salesforce platformJuly 7, 2022
Weekly Q&A Postings Weekly starting July 1, 2022

Final Q&A posting will be July 28th.

Final questions must be submitted by July 26th.
Applications Due (submitted via Cal E-Grants)August 1, 2022
Award AnnouncementSeptember 2022
Grant TermJanuary 1, 2023 – December 31, 2025


Cal E-Grants Resources